Sunday, June 2, 2013

Solo Theme Park Visits

I LOVE theme parks.  I don't just like them, I LOVE them.  If I could afford it, I would have annual passes to every single park in the state of Florida.  Why? Well, because I live near-by and it would be easy to visit, but also because, like I said, I LOVE THEME PARKS!!!!

So, last summer, I got a Disney Annual Pass, along with the boyfriend.  We went to all of the Disney Parks way too many times.  We went enough times to pay for like, 4 or 5 Annual Passes.  Those things are NOT cheap and neither is a single day visit.  But it works out to be much cheaper when you get the Annual Pass.  For example, right now, Disney ticket's cost $90 a day.  When we got the Annual Passes, it was a little over $400 for the entire year.  That means in 5 days of visiting the parks (we had access to all 4), we got our money's worth.  But of course we went even more that those 5 days! In fact, by September we had already been at least 5 times.  Plus the multiple days that we went with my Sister and her kids.  So already, we got more than our money-worth.  Not to mention the benefits of merchandise discounts, getting into parks early or staying late and of course getting to see the New Fantasyland before it was even open to the public and other special events.  Definitely worth the $400.

But every time I have ever gone to a theme park, I always people watch, because it's fun and interesting.  I would always notice the people who were by themselves, though.  I used to feel sorry for them.  I thought about how sad it must be, to be at the park, which-ever one we were at, the most magical place in the world, alone.  I felt bad for those people, until finally, today.  Today, I visited Animal Kingdom AND Hollywood Studios by myself, and can I just say.... I now feel bad for the people who are NOT alone!

When you have your kids, or nieces/nephews, cousins, parents, spouse, whoever, anyone with you, it is actually kind of a drag.  Not that I don't love my family and friends and that you should not.  However, when you are at a theme park with someone, you have to consider someone else's opinion on what rides to go on, which shows to see, how fast you are walking, how to avoid the crowds, keeping track of everyone, etc.  But when you are by yourself, you are FREEEE!!!!! You can make your own schedule, it's easy to side-step the hundreds of strollers, you can go as fast (or slow if you're well, not me) as you want and you don't have to worry about decisions.  They can be changed on a fly, all you have to do is well, do it.

There is a sad part about going to a theme park alone - you don't have anyone to share the magic and memories with, you don't have someone to take pictures with and you can't banter with someone about what is going on.  Sure, you can talk to other random people who are at the park, but it is definitely beneficial to have someone with you.  It is also just plain nice.

That being said, I'm not sure which I prefer.  I love being by myself because it makes the visit easier and you can get places quicker.  Especially if your companions are children.  Unfortunately, children make every task more difficult and slower.  But, it is really nice to create memories with your friends and family.  Especially at Disney - seriously, how much more magical can they make that place?  Apparently a LOT more, because after all, they are!

However, I will enjoy the last day of my Disney Annual Pass.  Maybe more than any other day that I ever visited a Disney Theme Park.  I think the day I got to go to Fantasyland before it opened was the best day ever because let's face it - Belle is my favourite princess and I not only got to be in the Enchanted Tales with her, but I also got to eat in the 'Be Our Guest' restaurant.  I don't think anyone will ever be able to make a reservation there - it is always PACKED and every reservation is always taken.  I've been trying since they allowed you to even START making reservations, which was 180 days (that's 5 MONTHS) before they even officially OPENED that part of the park! But I digress.

What I am most excited for is.....
That's right, I said Epic and Disney in the same sentence.  Pretty obviously usually, but I mean this is going to be a SUPER DUPER EPIC DISNEY DAY! Why, you may ask? Well, I will be going to not 1, not 2, not even 3 of the parks.  I will be going to ALL FOUR WALT DISNEY WORLD PARKS IN A SINGLE DAY!

It sounds INSANE, I know! But I have always wanted to park hop, my pass is expiring and I will have 13 hours where my puppy is going to be taken care of in order to do it.  Granted, 2 of those hours will be just driving to and from the Disney property.  That means I will have approximately 2 1/2 hours in each park to do the things I want to do.  While I have had a year to do every single thing in every single park, the absolutely CRAZIEST thing is, I actually HAVEN'T!  But, that's the beauty of being a Disney fan.  I will have to share my Epic Disney Day with you all when it happens.  I will also be posting, once my Annual Pass has officially expired, a synopsis of my year at Disney.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  It will be a long, albeit, enjoyable post.

Anyone else have any thoughts on solo theme park visits? Do you think I'm absolutely insane for going to all 4 parks in an 11 hours period? (I'm already predicting the answer is going to be yes.)

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