Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pinterest Dinners: The Preface

Well, it's true. I have become obsessed with Pinterest! I have more boards then I care to even tell you about. Although if you want to follow my boards or pins, just go to! If you DON'T have Pinterest like my mom (LE GASP!) first off, shame on you, secondly, let me know and I'll send you an invite! Probably my largest board is simply labeled FOOD. It used to include any kind of foods or drinks. I've started to categorize my food pins by cupcake, drinks, and soon I'll be adding appetizers, entrees, I am way too OCD to just have it all in one, but I'm also lazy. Go figure. So anywhosers, I have Pinterest and in my food board, I have a BUNCH of dinner food option pins. Some of them are amazing, some are ones I would not even attempt to make unless my mom (I LOVE YOU MOMMY!) was to help me, some I looked at my boyfriend and was like, we need to make these NOW! So, before Thanksgiving I went through a picked a bunch, made up a shopping list and sent him to the store while I worked on my papers and projects. So this week and next week we are having what I like to call Pinterest Dinners. Everything I am making, surprisingly enough, has veggies meat and all the making of dinner in a single dish. It makes me happy. Instead of posting recipes and a million photos of my own creations, my lazy side is going to come out and at the end of the two weeks, I will be posting all of the dishes, links and my reviews/comments so that if you want to make any, you know what I did different from the original posters and if you want/need to make any adjustments. I look forward to sharing because I love to cook and bake and am trying to do more of it now that I'm growing up and I have my own place and stuff like that. Hope everyone's Thanksgiving weekend was awesome! Keep a look out for my future Pinterest Dinner post!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Egyptian Pyramids Project

Well, my first project of the semester is DONE! As in, it was due and so it must be done because that's just how I roll. It's a little sad considering that I'm not dumb nor really all that lazy - I do all of the work and have it all in my head, I just fail to complete a project until the night before or the day that it is due. It's a bad habit but I can't seem to break it. I have at least gotten better in the regard that well, I don't do everything including checking out books until a few days before, I have actually been working on this project since I picked out my topic like two months ago. Anywhos, I just wanted to share because I am proud of it, even if it does seem a little disjointed, if it were an actual paper. To explain the project - it's pretty much a paper in website format. So, here it is! http:// Please let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Puppy + Animals

Well, my parents are away for the week seeing my sister and her kids (lucky!) so I went down south to get the puppy and brought her to Tampa for a week! Today was Day 1 with her being with us (full day, that is) as I got back yesterday. I figured I would share my experience because the day was fairly amusing overall but also made me realise yet again how animals have feelings, too. The morning started out with her waking us up at 6 AM and when she came back to bed from my boyfriend taking her out to pee, she tracked her old poo back into the bed! EEEWWWWW!!!!! I freaked out and was wide awake and not at all happy. Then she proceeded to wake us up 4 more times about once an hour after that until I had to actually get up to get ready for work. Then I went to work so I have 5 hours of unaccounted puppy activity while my boyfriend stayed home with her. He did send me a picture of her though, where she had perched on his knee for like, 15 minutes in the same position. Silly puppy. Then, I got home and shortly after we went for a walk and to throw out the trash. Along the way (two blocks because she deserved it and it was lovely out after 5 PM) we saw 5 humans, 5 dogs and 8 cats. Well, that's what I saw - I think she was so overwhelmed because she saw of the humans but only 3 of the dogs and 2 of the cats. It was a little crazy, but again, brand new place, a lot to take in. We got back, I went out back and cleaned up all her poo thus far (including a fresh one. Ew.). She fell asleep right after that, just conked out. Then she shifted and fell asleep on my side like a baby, it was adorable. Finally, she got up to pee and we played a bit then she started to play by herself and puked on the toy and a rug. Got to clean that up as well. It's like having a new born baby, except she can't really cry, just jump or give me looks. She has always been the kind of dog that has had a little bit of trouble adjusting though, which just goes to show how much of her own personality she has. All dogs and cats do, well actually, all animals do. I think that's why I've always loved working with animals - they are so unique even if you have a whole group of the same species that are siblings. It has been a wonderful life getting to know so many species of animals, I hope I can work with animals again soon. So, moral of the story - if you have animals, adopt an animal or know of someone who says crazy stuff like "Oh, that's just her personality," or "She doesn't normally act like this." about a dog or cat or whatever pet they have - it's totally true. Animals actually probably have more personality than some humans because we can't understand them unless you're Cesar Milan or some other kind of animal whisperer, but even they can't speak like animals. :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My First Kiss

My first kiss happened on the Kindergarten playground. I REALLY wanted to kiss Corey Martinez because he was the cutest boy in the school. In order to get him to kiss me, I put sand down his pants twice in the same day and chased him around the playground until I had him cornered. He tried to get away, but I had blocked him in the for the most part. I forced a kiss on his cheek but then he managed to slip away, under my arm, and go run and tell the teacher what I had done. He finally gave me a kiss on the cheek in 3rd grade on a dare. We remained friends until we went to different Middle Schools. I now find it hilariously ironic that my current boyfriend is named Cory, even though it is mere coincidence. Do you remember your first kiss? Have you not had one yet? Any other weird similarities with relationships?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Organizing the Kitchen

We moved into our new place back in July, right before I went on a business trip. We are just now, finally getting organized. So now, I have some tips on how organize your pantry. We have a SUPER tiny pantry to start off - it's only about 2 1/2 feet wide with three shelves and a giant space at the bottom. Not that great of a pantry, see?
The blue block at the bottom is my dust pan, which is attached to the broom and everything in that bottom space is paper bags (from the grocery store), the swiffer, the broom, other random items that fit down there. The top shelf is for appliances that aren't used everyday or boxes for the ones that are. The middle shelf is called the baking shelf - everything I need to bake except oils, found there. The bottom shelf is the 'other' shelf with drinks (a box of tea bags, cocoa packets in a box, etc.), tuna, peanut butter, other random items that did not fit into any category I made. In the two basket on the door, the top has storage stuff (tin foil, saran wrap, ziploc bags) and cooking spray. The bottom basket has all of the jello and pudding mixes, as well as smaller drink mixes (kool-aid packets or single-serve packets). The baskets are held onto the door simply by ribbon. I think it looks pretty:
That other door goes to the backyard and my apron hangs on the hinge because it won't fit anywhere else. I have a weird kitchen. Onto the mini-fridge. We originally wanted to use the mini-fridge just for drinks, but we realized, we actually don't stock the fridge that much. So, one day I turned it off, unplugged it, and now.... it's a second pantry!
The top freezer part, I just took that little door off and canned veggies and beans now go there. Next layer is for the pastas! We love our pasta. Below that is the breakfast shelf - oatmeal and cereal go there. In the door, we have the oils and sauces (plus a random box of corn bread mix. The absolute bottom part would house extra bottles of gatorade if we had just bought them or we wanted some warm or whatever. Next we have the little armoire for additional pantry space - the top has recipe box, recipe books, take out menus, daily products like a mixing bowl, strainer, toaster and at the very top, adult drinks. I didn't bother taking a picture of the upper-half. But more importantly, the drawer - bread drawer! We have almost no counter space, let alone space for a bread box.
Then, the bottom section has snacks that are easy to get to and rice, another food staple for us.
Then, because I'm obsessed with organizing, I even have places for everything in the freezer and fridge. The freezer main section has 2 'sections', entrees on the right 1/3 and appetizers taking up the rest of the space, divided between frozen veggies on the far left and 'other' in the middle. Under the ice box is our ice packs. In the door, the top part is frozen fruit (fruit drink mix) and the bottom has my Velata chocolate or other sweet things that need to stay cold until used.
The fridge now; the door has the more common condiments on the top shelf, the little closed section is for eggs (dollar store eggs work just as well as any) and the other side has butter, and the bottom shelf has other condiments like ice cream toppings, salsa, etc.
The main part of the fridge has drinks up top (to keep them the coldest), juices on the right, milk in the middle, and adult drinks on the left. The middle area has left overs, anything that doesn't fit in the drawer, etc. Tortillas seem to be the only thing that lives on the top of the bottom drawer, it's not that tall, either. Then of course finally, the drawer (the only one in the fridge, of course) has meat on the top right, veggies normally bottom right (We need to go shopping, I think.), cheese on the lower left and then fruit top left!
I think this works well for us, it's easy to find everything, at least! Hopefully you can take away some tips for organizing your small (or even large) kitchen. Maybe I'll take a photo one day so you can see how small my kitchen is. ;)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bananella from Brownies

This is a serious, serious condition that you can get, similar to how you can get Salmonella from eating raw eggs, you can get Bananella from eating a raw banana. This is just tomfoolery, however. Bananas are good for you and even can help your muscles, should you be having a charlie horse or something similar. How did I come up with Bananella, you may ask? Well, I discovered today that you can replace eggs in a baking recipe with bananas! Why did I discover this? Well, I started to make brownies and discovered this about my eggs:
They were frozen. Not cool, nor helpful for baking. Pun intended. Therefore, I pulled out a frozen banana from my freezer, nuked it for 30 seconds and it made it's way into the brownie mixture!
Yes, that is a sprinkle container - it's my 'special' ingredient in brownies. No, I didn't use the whole container, just used the rest of it. Anywhos, bananas in brownies is my newest revelation. You can also eat the little bit of leftover without the fear of Salmonella! Even more fun! Yay! So now you know two new little baking secrets. But trust me - bananas instead of egg will be my new thing from now on! 1/2 a banana equals 1 egg, that's all you need! Also, everyone LOVES sprinkles in brownies - it's a fun surprise and if you make them from scratch, you only need half the sugar called for, as the sprinkles add as a substitute! All sorts of fun baking knowledge in this post! I'm jealous of y'all. ;) Enjoy some virtual brownies!

You know that feeling you get....

When you were supposed to do something but you kept putting it off and eventually forgot about it? Well, that's what happened (again) with this blog. That's what also happened with a weekly assignment I have for one of my classes this semester. How did that happen? Well, like usual, I got sick the first couple of weeks of the semester (which is probably the most obnoxious tradition my body has started) and so I accidentally skipped an assignment for one of my classes called 'Fantastic Archaeology'. This is where the trouble begins. Because I forgot about it in my sick stupor, the following week I forgot about it, and I almost forgot about it for the 3rd week in a row when I got an e-mail from one of the T.A.'s. Granted, this is a 100% online course and so all I have to do is type something up about the assigned topic and hit submit. I got that 3rd one done, but then we come to earlier this week. I knew I had a bunch that I had missed, trying to go back and get things done, being thrown into the position of president for a club and just life happening (as well as more sick stints and family coming down to visit Disney). I looked to see which week we were on, exactly, coming to realized that I had missed 6 assignments. Kind of like with this blog, having missed 8 months. Luckily the day before I had been e-mailing with the professor requesting to be allowed to turn in these assignments late. Of course he said yes and in fact told me that as long as all of our assignments are turned in by December 5th, he really does not care. That's my kind of professor! Although also bad for me because well, I procrastinate way too much. But I decided hey, I have a whole day where I am not obligated to do ANYTHING. Work had called and told me I didn't need to come in, it was Monday so I had no classes - PERFECT! I turned on Netflix with Bones (My newest obsession.) on play and slammed out all of those missing assignments. Now however, I feel really awkward about posting them all at once. The T.A.'s both know that I am allowed to post them, however I feel like I would be insulting the other students if I just slam the discussion board with all of my missing assignments. I did notice a few people with missing assignments however and some missing more that I was so maybe I should post it and get it over with. Lesson learned - stop freaking procrastinating! I haven't been too bad this semester though, I spent all of the last two weeks going back and forth to the libraries to get sources for my 3 projects this semester. I have a pretty good stack for each, if you consider the parameters I have been given. I have another fully open day so I guess I will get to work on my projects. Step 3 for my Renaissance Art Project is due next week, so that's important. Be on the look out for more posts about my researching woes, back tracking as to what all happened in the last 8 months and also some DIY projects I've been working on.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Papers, Tests and Roommates, Oh my!

Alright well, nothing special has really been happening as of late, except that right now, I don't have any more physical therapy, I have tonnes of papers and tests coming up and I've finally gotten into some kind of groove with my new roommates.
For papers, My History of Photo one got turned in last Wednesday - it wasn't too hard, but I'm not sure if I got it on the head quite right. I'm getting it back soon, though. I'm working on a paper for my 19th Century Art Class, though. First I was comparing two paintings from the same artist - that was dumb. I edited it to be two different artists and styles of painting. I sent my first page to the T.A...... I was missing the most major point of the paper - I need to compare paintings from TWO DIFFERENT readings! Two of our readings are from the same author, but I was picking two paintings from the same article and apparently I completely misunderstood what kind of style they were done in. So.... I get to start from complete scratch tonight. I even had completed draft 1 completely last night! Days before it was due! Good thing I left so many days before it was due! To the library it is after class this afternoon!
But regardless, I can't spend the whole night working on that - I have a test tomorrow morning in my Art of the Ancient Barbarians course. I need to really study for that! On our quiz two weeks ago... I got a low D. Then again, I barely even looked at anything because I had forgotten until the night before we even had the test. I need to start paying more attention in classes! Speaking of, I'm sitting in class right now.... I should pay more attention - but I'm pretty sure we're watching a movie in a minute so I guess that's why I am paying less attention. But let me wrap up this post regardless. Mid-terms are coming up in the next few weeks so I need to buckle down 400% to make sure I bring up my grades. My goal this semester is to get 4 A's. I haven't done that in a really long time so as long as the worst I do is 2 A's and 2 B's, I'll be happy.
As far as the roommate thing, well, nothing special has happened except me feeling completely left out of things. I don't think it's helping though that I spend most of my time that I am home at the same time as them in my room being a hermit crab. Not that I'm being crabby, but I prefer being likened to a hermit crab because everyone thinks they are so cute and everyone wants them. But at the same time, I do in fact retreat into a shell like they do, because me + social settings = no. So yeah, I guess I need to stop being weird and learn to socialize, especially with the people I live with.
I don't think we are watching a movie today anymore.... nope. Just checked the revised syllabus - it's Wednesday. Guess I better get back to paying attention. Hope Valentine's Day/Singles Awareness is amazing/not so horrible after all for you! :D

Friday, January 27, 2012

This past week

Well this past week has been utterly ridiculous!
On Monday, on campus, there was the Republican Candidate Debate. It was a freaking circus! A bunch of parking lots were taken over, student center was blocked off, protesters, helicopters, it was insane. I stayed away as much as possible which was easy since I had physical therapy on the other side of campus. Tuesday and Wednesday were sort of normal, I guess. Nothing too special happened, unless you count the solar flare. That was pretty cool. But it was also horribly obnoxious - all the technology gt messed up for the week. But my foot was really hurting so when I went back to PT yesterday, we took it easy and talked about the possibility I might need to get surgery.
Today, I went to the orthopedic doctor and I am getting an MRI next week. But I also got a lace-up brace for my right foot and will need to start therapy for that foot.
Nothing fun has happened, unless you count my therapists' constant amusement over my socks. I never wear matching socks. He is amused and baffled every time.
I've decided to make it a challenge for myself to baffle him further each time. It's kind of a fun game. :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Right, that thing....

I'm just now realizing how FAST 2011 went by! Well, at least the second half. So, I told you I would tell you all about my time well, a whole damn semester went by and I totally didn't write anything, so get ready for a crazy long post....

Semester in a nut shell -
Spent a few weeks in Orlando with my bf and his family before classes started. I got a UTI to kick off the new school year. But a week into it, I was clear and healthy. I was pumped for the semester - new school, new friends, new city, etc. It was going GREAT! I was getting great grades, and then I got strep throat. Not too bad but it was right around the boyfriend's birthday. Even ON his birthday, which made me sad because I was going to make him an epic card that was like, 4 feet tall - never got around to it. But he said it was okay, as long as I got better. I did, all was fine. I got a few small injuries hear and there (though not too uncommon for me, obviously). But then, the BIG ONE hit! I got the flu for a week. As soon as that was done, I was having HORRID pain in my mouth - I had an oral infection! That lasted a week. Then, as soon as THAT was done, I HAD A COLD! Also an upper respiratory infection. The 3 weeks of hell FINALLY ended! But that would not be the end of all this craziness. Around this time, my grades were starting to slip a little because of all the missed classes.
But for about a month, I was good. Then, I got another cold, but got over it quick. In November, my niece was born, but just a few days before that I had fallen and rolled my ankle. It hurt a LOT!!!! But I was excited for my niece to finally be here! So I tried to make the best of it. Well, a few weeks later, my foot was still hurting and I had another flu - go figure. Turns out, a previous injury got injured during my ankle rolling - that is to say an injury that is 13 plus years old. So, I started physical therapy and oh, huh! Semester was over! I got yet another cold and found out that I got the worst grades I have ever gotten in college - 3 C's and 1 A! Absolutely horridly (yes, that's a word) in my view. But, it was holiday time so I was ready to go home!
Except, my roommate had freaked out on me. Well, I moved out, was getting over my cold and finally, I got to see the family for the holidays! So now, I live in a new apartment, I probably left out a lot of information, but I'll probably post about more later or make references to it. So now, I am sitting here, in a pretty nifty outfit I made out a jeans and skirt as a shirt. I think I look cool. My mother thinks otherwise.
It's a new semester and it started this past Monday. I promise that I will post more frequently from now on - it's a new year! So, Happy New Years!
Also, hopefully I can figure out something to do that will attract more readers or make this blog more interesting..... ideas? Please?!

But besides that - I apologize for skipping out on writing - it's been crazy and stressful.
This first week has been a little weird. Monday, classes started and I thought I had the perfect schedule, well as good as I could get, anyways. First day of classes brought 19th Century Art and History of Photography. It was pretty nifty. Tuesday I had Art of the Ancient Barbarians (yes, for real and no, Barbarians are not just like cavemen). I headed over to another campus to take my 4th class, but as I was over there, checking things out, something didn't feel right. I also had talked to my Barbarians professor, who I just so happened to have last semester, earlier that day and I could be added into his class but I wanted to see about the class on the other campus as I had already had a weird feeling about it. Well, class hadn't even started and I just decided that it was not going to happen and I returned my books and headed home. Wednesday was the same as Monday, with one extra thing and minus my second class. I went to the dentist to get a crown - ended up taking an hour and a half instead of half an hour! I missed class. I was annoyed. The added thing was.... A party thanks to my neighbors at 1:30 AM!!!! Thankfully, a cop showed up and they shut up. Thursday morning was the same as Tuesday morning and I got added to the other class, Issues in Baroque Art. We got done in half an hour because well, first week of classes, nothing to do. So then club meeting and then, ANOTHER party! TWO, actually!!!! Started at 10:30 PM, but I said okay, it's the weekend for some people so I said okay, give it to midnight. I did, they were raging hard - I called the cops, they came finally after 1 AM. Turns out they didn't finish partying hard until 5:00 AM!!!! Not a happy camper. Yesterday, I had my internship but before that two doctor appointments. I got lost trying to find my mom after work. But finally, I got to where I knew I was to find my way to where my mom was. Then we got lost trying to find a restaurant. We were told of 3 places that NO LONGER EXIST! We were highly confused. Finally, we ended up at a pizza place that we could actually see.
Then again, the week started with a full moon and ended with Friday the 13th, so I suppose many things were explained that way. However, today I got to see my new niece, my two nephews and my other niece from my brother on Skype! Those kids are so freaking adorable! And cute! And just, oh man, if I have kids, they better look half as good as one of those kids!