Thursday, November 1, 2012

My First Kiss

My first kiss happened on the Kindergarten playground. I REALLY wanted to kiss Corey Martinez because he was the cutest boy in the school. In order to get him to kiss me, I put sand down his pants twice in the same day and chased him around the playground until I had him cornered. He tried to get away, but I had blocked him in the for the most part. I forced a kiss on his cheek but then he managed to slip away, under my arm, and go run and tell the teacher what I had done. He finally gave me a kiss on the cheek in 3rd grade on a dare. We remained friends until we went to different Middle Schools. I now find it hilariously ironic that my current boyfriend is named Cory, even though it is mere coincidence. Do you remember your first kiss? Have you not had one yet? Any other weird similarities with relationships?

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