Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pinterest Dinners: The Preface

Well, it's true. I have become obsessed with Pinterest! I have more boards then I care to even tell you about. Although if you want to follow my boards or pins, just go to! If you DON'T have Pinterest like my mom (LE GASP!) first off, shame on you, secondly, let me know and I'll send you an invite! Probably my largest board is simply labeled FOOD. It used to include any kind of foods or drinks. I've started to categorize my food pins by cupcake, drinks, and soon I'll be adding appetizers, entrees, I am way too OCD to just have it all in one, but I'm also lazy. Go figure. So anywhosers, I have Pinterest and in my food board, I have a BUNCH of dinner food option pins. Some of them are amazing, some are ones I would not even attempt to make unless my mom (I LOVE YOU MOMMY!) was to help me, some I looked at my boyfriend and was like, we need to make these NOW! So, before Thanksgiving I went through a picked a bunch, made up a shopping list and sent him to the store while I worked on my papers and projects. So this week and next week we are having what I like to call Pinterest Dinners. Everything I am making, surprisingly enough, has veggies meat and all the making of dinner in a single dish. It makes me happy. Instead of posting recipes and a million photos of my own creations, my lazy side is going to come out and at the end of the two weeks, I will be posting all of the dishes, links and my reviews/comments so that if you want to make any, you know what I did different from the original posters and if you want/need to make any adjustments. I look forward to sharing because I love to cook and bake and am trying to do more of it now that I'm growing up and I have my own place and stuff like that. Hope everyone's Thanksgiving weekend was awesome! Keep a look out for my future Pinterest Dinner post!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Egyptian Pyramids Project

Well, my first project of the semester is DONE! As in, it was due and so it must be done because that's just how I roll. It's a little sad considering that I'm not dumb nor really all that lazy - I do all of the work and have it all in my head, I just fail to complete a project until the night before or the day that it is due. It's a bad habit but I can't seem to break it. I have at least gotten better in the regard that well, I don't do everything including checking out books until a few days before, I have actually been working on this project since I picked out my topic like two months ago. Anywhos, I just wanted to share because I am proud of it, even if it does seem a little disjointed, if it were an actual paper. To explain the project - it's pretty much a paper in website format. So, here it is! http:// Please let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Puppy + Animals

Well, my parents are away for the week seeing my sister and her kids (lucky!) so I went down south to get the puppy and brought her to Tampa for a week! Today was Day 1 with her being with us (full day, that is) as I got back yesterday. I figured I would share my experience because the day was fairly amusing overall but also made me realise yet again how animals have feelings, too. The morning started out with her waking us up at 6 AM and when she came back to bed from my boyfriend taking her out to pee, she tracked her old poo back into the bed! EEEWWWWW!!!!! I freaked out and was wide awake and not at all happy. Then she proceeded to wake us up 4 more times about once an hour after that until I had to actually get up to get ready for work. Then I went to work so I have 5 hours of unaccounted puppy activity while my boyfriend stayed home with her. He did send me a picture of her though, where she had perched on his knee for like, 15 minutes in the same position. Silly puppy. Then, I got home and shortly after we went for a walk and to throw out the trash. Along the way (two blocks because she deserved it and it was lovely out after 5 PM) we saw 5 humans, 5 dogs and 8 cats. Well, that's what I saw - I think she was so overwhelmed because she saw of the humans but only 3 of the dogs and 2 of the cats. It was a little crazy, but again, brand new place, a lot to take in. We got back, I went out back and cleaned up all her poo thus far (including a fresh one. Ew.). She fell asleep right after that, just conked out. Then she shifted and fell asleep on my side like a baby, it was adorable. Finally, she got up to pee and we played a bit then she started to play by herself and puked on the toy and a rug. Got to clean that up as well. It's like having a new born baby, except she can't really cry, just jump or give me looks. She has always been the kind of dog that has had a little bit of trouble adjusting though, which just goes to show how much of her own personality she has. All dogs and cats do, well actually, all animals do. I think that's why I've always loved working with animals - they are so unique even if you have a whole group of the same species that are siblings. It has been a wonderful life getting to know so many species of animals, I hope I can work with animals again soon. So, moral of the story - if you have animals, adopt an animal or know of someone who says crazy stuff like "Oh, that's just her personality," or "She doesn't normally act like this." about a dog or cat or whatever pet they have - it's totally true. Animals actually probably have more personality than some humans because we can't understand them unless you're Cesar Milan or some other kind of animal whisperer, but even they can't speak like animals. :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My First Kiss

My first kiss happened on the Kindergarten playground. I REALLY wanted to kiss Corey Martinez because he was the cutest boy in the school. In order to get him to kiss me, I put sand down his pants twice in the same day and chased him around the playground until I had him cornered. He tried to get away, but I had blocked him in the for the most part. I forced a kiss on his cheek but then he managed to slip away, under my arm, and go run and tell the teacher what I had done. He finally gave me a kiss on the cheek in 3rd grade on a dare. We remained friends until we went to different Middle Schools. I now find it hilariously ironic that my current boyfriend is named Cory, even though it is mere coincidence. Do you remember your first kiss? Have you not had one yet? Any other weird similarities with relationships?