I'm just now realizing how FAST 2011 went by! Well, at least the second half. So, I told you I would tell you all about my time well, a whole damn semester went by and I totally didn't write anything, so get ready for a crazy long post....
Semester in a nut shell -
Spent a few weeks in Orlando with my bf and his family before classes started. I got a UTI to kick off the new school year. But a week into it, I was clear and healthy. I was pumped for the semester - new school, new friends, new city, etc. It was going GREAT! I was getting great grades, and then I got strep throat. Not too bad but it was right around the boyfriend's birthday. Even ON his birthday, which made me sad because I was going to make him an epic card that was like, 4 feet tall - never got around to it. But he said it was okay, as long as I got better. I did, all was fine. I got a few small injuries hear and there (though not too uncommon for me, obviously). But then, the BIG ONE hit! I got the flu for a week. As soon as that was done, I was having HORRID pain in my mouth - I had an oral infection! That lasted a week. Then, as soon as THAT was done, I HAD A COLD! Also an upper respiratory infection. The 3 weeks of hell FINALLY ended! But that would not be the end of all this craziness. Around this time, my grades were starting to slip a little because of all the missed classes.
But for about a month, I was good. Then, I got another cold, but got over it quick. In November, my niece was born, but just a few days before that I had fallen and rolled my ankle. It hurt a LOT!!!! But I was excited for my niece to finally be here! So I tried to make the best of it. Well, a few weeks later, my foot was still hurting and I had another flu - go figure. Turns out, a previous injury got injured during my ankle rolling - that is to say an injury that is 13 plus years old. So, I started physical therapy and oh, huh! Semester was over! I got yet another cold and found out that I got the worst grades I have ever gotten in college - 3 C's and 1 A! Absolutely horridly (yes, that's a word) in my view. But, it was holiday time so I was ready to go home!
Except, my roommate had freaked out on me. Well, I moved out, was getting over my cold and finally, I got to see the family for the holidays! So now, I live in a new apartment, I probably left out a lot of information, but I'll probably post about more later or make references to it. So now, I am sitting here, in a pretty nifty outfit I made out a jeans and skirt as a shirt. I think I look cool. My mother thinks otherwise.
It's a new semester and it started this past Monday. I promise that I will post more frequently from now on - it's a new year! So, Happy New Years!
Also, hopefully I can figure out something to do that will attract more readers or make this blog more interesting..... ideas? Please?!
But besides that - I apologize for skipping out on writing - it's been crazy and stressful.
This first week has been a little weird. Monday, classes started and I thought I had the perfect schedule, well as good as I could get, anyways. First day of classes brought 19th Century Art and History of Photography. It was pretty nifty. Tuesday I had Art of the Ancient Barbarians (yes, for real and no, Barbarians are not just like cavemen). I headed over to another campus to take my 4th class, but as I was over there, checking things out, something didn't feel right. I also had talked to my Barbarians professor, who I just so happened to have last semester, earlier that day and I could be added into his class but I wanted to see about the class on the other campus as I had already had a weird feeling about it. Well, class hadn't even started and I just decided that it was not going to happen and I returned my books and headed home. Wednesday was the same as Monday, with one extra thing and minus my second class. I went to the dentist to get a crown - ended up taking an hour and a half instead of half an hour! I missed class. I was annoyed. The added thing was.... A party thanks to my neighbors at 1:30 AM!!!! Thankfully, a cop showed up and they shut up. Thursday morning was the same as Tuesday morning and I got added to the other class, Issues in Baroque Art. We got done in half an hour because well, first week of classes, nothing to do. So then club meeting and then, ANOTHER party! TWO, actually!!!! Started at 10:30 PM, but I said okay, it's the weekend for some people so I said okay, give it to midnight. I did, they were raging hard - I called the cops, they came finally after 1 AM. Turns out they didn't finish partying hard until 5:00 AM!!!! Not a happy camper. Yesterday, I had my internship but before that two doctor appointments. I got lost trying to find my mom after work. But finally, I got to where I knew I was to find my way to where my mom was. Then we got lost trying to find a restaurant. We were told of 3 places that NO LONGER EXIST! We were highly confused. Finally, we ended up at a pizza place that we could actually see.
Then again, the week started with a full moon and ended with Friday the 13th, so I suppose many things were explained that way. However, today I got to see my new niece, my two nephews and my other niece from my brother on Skype! Those kids are so freaking adorable! And cute! And just, oh man, if I have kids, they better look half as good as one of those kids!
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