Alright well, nothing special has really been happening as of late, except that right now, I don't have any more physical therapy, I have tonnes of papers and tests coming up and I've finally gotten into some kind of groove with my new roommates.
For papers, My History of Photo one got turned in last Wednesday - it wasn't too hard, but I'm not sure if I got it on the head quite right. I'm getting it back soon, though. I'm working on a paper for my 19th Century Art Class, though. First I was comparing two paintings from the same artist - that was dumb. I edited it to be two different artists and styles of painting. I sent my first page to the T.A...... I was missing the most major point of the paper - I need to compare paintings from TWO DIFFERENT readings! Two of our readings are from the same author, but I was picking two paintings from the same article and apparently I completely misunderstood what kind of style they were done in. So.... I get to start from complete scratch tonight. I even had completed draft 1 completely last night! Days before it was due! Good thing I left so many days before it was due! To the library it is after class this afternoon!
But regardless, I can't spend the whole night working on that - I have a test tomorrow morning in my Art of the Ancient Barbarians course. I need to really study for that! On our quiz two weeks ago... I got a low D. Then again, I barely even looked at anything because I had forgotten until the night before we even had the test. I need to start paying more attention in classes! Speaking of, I'm sitting in class right now.... I should pay more attention - but I'm pretty sure we're watching a movie in a minute so I guess that's why I am paying less attention. But let me wrap up this post regardless. Mid-terms are coming up in the next few weeks so I need to buckle down 400% to make sure I bring up my grades. My goal this semester is to get 4 A's. I haven't done that in a really long time so as long as the worst I do is 2 A's and 2 B's, I'll be happy.
As far as the roommate thing, well, nothing special has happened except me feeling completely left out of things. I don't think it's helping though that I spend most of my time that I am home at the same time as them in my room being a hermit crab. Not that I'm being crabby, but I prefer being likened to a hermit crab because everyone thinks they are so cute and everyone wants them. But at the same time, I do in fact retreat into a shell like they do, because me + social settings = no. So yeah, I guess I need to stop being weird and learn to socialize, especially with the people I live with.
I don't think we are watching a movie today anymore.... nope. Just checked the revised syllabus - it's Wednesday. Guess I better get back to paying attention. Hope Valentine's Day/Singles Awareness is amazing/not so horrible after all for you! :D